Massage Therapy Treatments
Come and experience what it truly means to relax and recharge. Enjoy a soothing, stress-free environment with knowledgeable staff ready to assist with whatever aches, pains, concerns and conditions that need a gentle touch to correct. Indulge yourself because you deserve it, try something new or something you've been curious about and see all what Mod has to offer.
Mod Relaxation Massage
Classic massage techniques create an experience of relaxation during this full body massage- relax tight muscles, increase oxygen flow and increase flexibility. Pressure can range from light to medium include long, flowing Swedish massage strokes
25 Minutes (add-on)
50 Minutes
80 Minutes
Deep Tissue Massage
Release stress and tension! This firmer techniques focuses on the deeper muscle layers. The perfect treatment to ease muscles tissue, release toxins built up in the muscles, promotes relaxation and well-being.
50 Minutes
80 Minutes
Sports Massage
Sports massage is designed to help the athlete reach optimal performance. The massage addresses tight muscles groups by combining massage techniques and stretches to relieve muscle soreness. Great for increase range of motion, chronic pain and other injury-related issues. We highly suggested that anyone doing any sports do this treatment before and after an event to prevent injury and reach max potential.
50 Minutes
80 Minutes
Mod Expectant Mother Massage
The nine-month journey of nurturing is a special time, connecting with the mother through the power of touch and working with two heartbeats as one. Specialize positioning is used to ensure the ultimate in comfort and relaxation. Helps to relieve aches and pains in your lower and upper back and alleviate any swelling in your hands and feet, while easing your mind. We provide a comfortable, safe and relaxing environment perfect for a mother-to-be.
50 Minutes
80 Minutes
Hot Stone Massage
This massage encompasses the "Ultimate" in massage. The tension of everyday life melts away as the body reaches a new level of relaxation. Hot stone therapy has been recognized in a variety of cultures and practices throughout the ages. This treatment combines warm hand selected stones to relax the muscles to provide complete balancing and restoring the body.
50 Minutes
80 Minutes
Aromatherapy Massage
Enjoy an aromatherapy massage to relax the body and soothe the mind. Your therapist will consult with you to determine the best essential oil blend to meet your needs.
50 Minutes
80 Minutes
An ancient technique for relieving stress and anxiety using a stream of oil directly onto the third eye on the forehead. Promotes focus, restful sleep and relaxation.
45 Minutes
Relaxing full body oil massage using warm herbal infused oils chosen specifically to help calm and balance our hectic day to day life. Receiving Abhyanga weekly is a great way to detoxify and boost your metabolism. The experience can help to heal your mind, body and soul.
55 Minutes
80 Minutes
Sinus Treatment
This treatment is an excellent remedy for headaches, migranes, allergies, detoxing the head/neck area to enhance breathing and the lymphatic system. The process includes administering beneficial infused oils through the nostrils and ears to clear sinus buildup and inflammation. Your therapist will use stimulating pressure point massage on the face, shoulders, upper chest and arms, followed by warm towels. The treatment cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages to heal underlying conditons.
50 Minutes
MOD VIP Membership Massage---
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Members get to indulge in the same pampering treatments that the Relaxation massage has to offer with the added bonus of a monthly discount. Ask our staff about this great steal.